Solving Problems Creating Opportunities:
Different Medium Exploration and Uses

How can we create something that doesn’t exist?

Touch, Hear, Taste, Smell, See

The first step is to forget everything we know to explore seems like obvious objects from the other perspectives that create magic…

Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping

Keep exploring

Once you find something that catches your attention keep grinding, keep asking questions, stay curious until you have nothing to ask…

Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping

Ask more…


Does it make sense? NO!

And it doesn’t have to at this point. Just keep going. In design, there are no correct answers only fails. The more we fail the more we learn and those fails will never stop if you keep trying to do something new, something better…

Origami Swan

Relics become valuable with time…

That’s it? NO!

What do you feel after watching this narrative video? I feel like I want to fail more, so I decided to make a typeface. Something that I have never done before…

Origami Typeface

Why typeface? I don't know to be honest. Just wanted to try. Wanted to explore. Wanted to see how far I could go out of my comfort zone to grow.

Origami Typeface
Origami Typeface

Let’s fail more!

The next idea that came to my mind was a 3D origami poster implementing the typeface created that didn’t really work out…

3D Origami Poster Process
3D Origami Poster Process
3D Origami Poster Process
3D Origami Poster Process
3D Origami Poster Process
3D Origami Poster Process
3D Origami Poster Process
3D Origami Poster Process

Origami Poster

And guess what? It didn’t work out because I didn’t want to use any manipulation tools to not go against the initial idea of the real origami poster. I wanted to recreate letters and hanging there but due to my miscalculation on how much time I needed, I had to abandon this idea and think of something else…

Origami Poster Process
Origami Poster Process
Origami Poster Process
Origami Poster Process


Origami Poster

From nothing to Narrative Video, Typeface, and Posters. This is magic of exploring new horizons.

Origami Poster
Origami Poster
Origami Poster Mockup

The moral of the story:

There is nothing else than failure. If we can not accept the failure, stand up, and keep moving there is no chance for success. Unfortunately, most of us are afraid of that and we stop trying. There is no certainty that we will achieve everything we want, but if we stop trying we can be certain only of one thing. There’s no chance at all.


Metal Rhapsody


Nordic Runes